How do I register to submit NOD application online ?
In order to submit a application to NOD through the web portal, user has to register first. At the time of
registration, the details such as Name, Mobile, Email etc. need to be provided. After filling in all the details,
a one time password (OTP) for specific request no. is sent to the mobile no./email entered in the
registration form for verification of the mobile. After user enters the OTP received against that specific
request no., another SMS giving the details of login id is sent by the system along with an email containing a
web link. After user clicks on the web link received in his/her email id, he/she can assign password and
activate the login to access the portal.
Do I need to register separately for each application ?
User can submit/track only one application through one login id. Therefore, for submitting multiple
applications, multiple registrations are required.
What if I do not receive one time password sent for verification of mobile no. ?
One time password is sent on the mobile no. provided by the user in registration form. In case it is not
received then user should check the correctness of the mobile number. If the number is correct then either
user has to wait for SMS for that or regenerate the OTP as well as the request no. The OTP is also sent to
email id provided on the registration form.
What if email provided on the registration form has been misspelt ?
System sends an auto mail with web link to the email id provided on the registration form. If it was misspelt
inadvertently, the mail would not be delivered. However, a request id is sent to mobile no. of the user. User
can click on the tab Resend Mail of the Registration Form to provide correct id and receive mail with web
link to assign password and activate login id.
What if I can not read the Captcha displayed on the screen clearly ?
User has an option to regenerate Captcha displayed on various screens. In case the Captcha displayed is
not clear (particularly due to similarity of Characters 0 and O, 1 and l etc.), this option can be used to
regenerate the Captcha image displayed on the screen.
What if I forget my password ?
In case user forgets his/her password, he/she can click on Forgot Password link on the login screen which
displays another screen where he/she can enter login id and receive One Time Password for specific request
no. on Mobile/Email to reassign password.
Which documents need to be uploaded at the time of submission of proposal ?
Qualifying Degree/Certificate, Exp./Relevant info. Certificate, Date of Birth proof, PAN Card, Bankers Details,Photograph and Signature.
Is there any restriction on the size and format of the document to be uploaded ?
Yes. Photograph in .jpg format, maximum size upto 100 KB (height 300 pixel & width 200 pixel ) and
signature also in .jpg format, maximum size upto 50 KB (height 100 pixel & width 200 pixel). Other
documents in .pdf format, maximum size upto 5 MB.
What are the Guidelines for appointment of NODs on the Boards of RRBs